Vik Haakull Family history
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Bergljot Toresdatter

Bergljot Toresdatter

Female 901 - Yes, date unknown

Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    Event Map    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name Bergljot Toresdatter  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    Birth 901  M Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    Death Yes, date unknown 
    Person ID I89004  Cecilie Family
    Last Modified 4 Jan 2010 

    Father Earl Tore Ragnvaldsson, M,   b. Abt 872, Maere, Nord Tr Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt 940 (Age 68 years) 
    Mother Aalov Haraldsdatter,   b. 875, Rise, Aust Agder, Norway Find all individuals with events at this locationd. M Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage Abt 892  M Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F45388  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Sigurd Ladejarl Haakonsson,   b. 890, Lade, Trondheim, Norway Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 962, Aglo, Stj Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 72 years) 
    Marriage Lade, Trondheim, Norway Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Haakon "The Mighty" Sigurdsson, Jarl,   b. Abt 935, Lade, Trondheim, Norway Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Feb 995, Rimul (Rimstad), M Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 60 years)
     2. Jarl Of Norway and Sweden H Sigurdsson,   b. Abt 937, Norway Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt 995, Norway Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 58 years)
    Family ID F45397  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 4 Jan 2010 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - - Lade, Trondheim, Norway Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • Bergljot var if

  • Sources 
    1. [S137] Br, World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1, (Release date: August 22, 1996), Tree #2042 (Reliability: 3).
      Date of Import: 22 okt 1999

    2. [S130] Br, World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1, (Release date: July 1, 1997), Tree #4402 (Reliability: 3).
      Date of Import: 31 aug 2000

    3. [S47] FTW 5 tree 2042 Losna.FTW.
      Date of Import: 22 okt 1999

    4. [S35] FTW 11 Tree 4402 Sole.FTW.
      Date of Import: 9 sep 2000

    5. [S129] Br, World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1, (Release date: November 29, 1995), Tree #1677 (Reliability: 3).
      Date of Import: 31 aug 2000

    6. [S34] FTW 1 tree 1677 Vestmare.FTW.
      Date of Import: 31 aug 2000

    7. [S131] Br, World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1, (Release date: July 28, 1997), Tree #3640 (Reliability: 3).
      Date of Import: 31 aug 2000

    8. [S36] FTW 12 Tree 3640.FTW.
      Date of Import: 9 sep 2000