 1610 - 1693 (83 years)
Name |
Philip Cromwell |
Birth |
1610 |
Malmesbury, Wilts., England |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
30 Mar 1693 |
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts |
Person ID |
I59914 |
Cecilie Family |
Last Modified |
16 Dec 1999 |
Family 4 |
Marriage |
Abt 1687 |
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts |
Family ID |
F25156 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
22 Feb 2009 |
Notes |
!The history of Salem Massachusetts by Sidney Perley, Vol 2, 1638-1670,pg 142,143 states that Philip was ordered by the local court to return tohis wife or bring her to America, but she did not desire to come, beingcomfortably situated where she was. This was in 1647. He married,second, however, Dorothy, widow of Allen Keniston in 1649. She wasseveral years older than he; and she died Sept 28, 1673. He married,third, Mary, widow of Robert Lemon Nov. 17, 1674; and she died Nov 4,1683. He married fourth, Margaret. He died March 30, 1693; and she washis widow in 1699.:
For more information see the Our Folk - Hart family Web Site |