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Cecily Bigod

Cecily Bigod

Female Abt 1090 - Yes, date unknown

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  • Name Cecily Bigod 
    Birth Abt 1090  Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    Death Yes, date unknown 
    Person ID I70963  Cecilie Family
    Last Modified 2 Mar 2009 

    Father Roger Bigod, Sheriff Of Suffolk & Norfolk,   b. 1060, St. Saveur, Normandy, France Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 8 Sep 1107, Egersham, Norfolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 47 years) 
    Mother Adeliza De Toni,   b. Abt 1072, Of Hinckley, Leicestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 1135, Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 64 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1084  Only Wife Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Family ID F21825  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family William "Brito" D'albini,   b. Abt 1085, St Aubin D'aubigne, Ille-Et-Vilaine, St Malo, Bretagne, France Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Bef 1156, Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 71 years) 
    Marriage 1110 
     1. William "Le Breton" D'albini,   b. 1113, Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Bef 1168, Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 55 years)
    Family ID F31418  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 2 Mar 2009 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - Abt 1090 - Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • The following information was contained in a post-em by Curt Hofemann,

      granddau of Robert de Todenei, the founder of Belvoir [Ref: Watney #298]

      inherited Belvoir from her mother [Ref: CP IX:578(c), KeatsRohan Belvoir p3]

      Cecily LE BIGOD. Died After 1164. Heir of her mother in Belvoir. Cecily was alive when her son granted the church of Redmile, Leics to Belvoir Priory in about 1165. [Ref: Richard Borthwick 14 Jul 1999 citing: Keats-Rohan Family Trees 175, Keats-Rohan Domesday People I:380, Sanders p12, Wareham XVII:230]

      Cecily 'de Belvoir' (dau of Roger Bigod), m. William d'Aubigny the Breton, who had obtained part of the fee of Belvoir before Cecily's mother was given possession of it; this marriage, therefore, may have been arranged to settle rival claims. Cecily eventually inherited Belvoir from her mother (Hist. MSS. Com., Rutland MSS., vol. iv. pp. 106-7, 144, 161) [Ref: Utz 10 Jan 1999 citing: Geoffrey H. White essay on "Norfolk" in CP IX:578(c)]

      I. J. Sanders, English Baronies, in his discussion of Belvoir, Leicestershire, p. 12, says: "Robert de Todeni, Domesday lord of Belvoir, d. 1088. William, s. and h., d.s.p. when his heir for Belvoir was his sister Alice.

      "Alice m. Roger Bigod d. 1107 of Framlingham, q.v. She d. post Aug. 1127 leaving Cecily.
      "Cecily m. William I de Albini Brito d. 1133-55.[3] William II d'Aubigny d. 1168 leaving William III, a minor, d. 1236. . . ."

      Footnote 3 reads: "Regesta, ii, no. 1495; Rutland MSS, iv, pp. 144, 161. William seems to have controlled part of the Belvoir estate before the death of Alice (idem, p. 107). William witnesses letters dated 1133 but the early pipe rolls of Henry II give no evidence of his death (Regesta, ii, nos. 1777, 1798)."

      [Sanders' phrase, "leaving Cecily," clearly implies, from his usage throughout ". . . as daughter and heir."]
      Anthony Wagner, English Genealogy, p. 66, comments: ". . . William d'Aubigny the Breton did indeed succeed a son of Robert de Tony at Belvoir, but it was, as Round showed, in virtue of his marriage to Robert's granddaughter Cicely.[3]" Footnote 3 reads: "Hist. MSS. Comm. MSS. of the Duke of Rutland, iv. 106; Complete Peerage, ix, 577. [Ref: Utz 10 Jan 1999 (Alan B. Wilson 14 Dec 1997)]

      More important in terms of size in England, the lordship of Belvoir was nonetheless the lesser of the two Tosny lordships because it was not associated with their Norman heritage. As the inheritance of a woman married to an important tenant-in-chief it could be expected to pass to one of her younger children and not her husband's principal male heir. Since she had no surviving younger sons after 1120, the devolution of Belvoir to one of her daughters was inevitable. Gunnor and Matilda had long since been provided for from their father's inheritance by the time, after c. 1115/1118, that Adelisa succeeded to Belvoir. Consequently it was the youngest daughter Cecilia - quite probably a mere infant at her father's death in 1107 - who became her mother's heiress. She was, of course , an heiress whose marriage could advantageously be used to reward one of the king's loyal new men. Cecilia's marriage to William de Albini Brito has been said to have occurred as early as 1107 on the basis of a Belvoir charter given by Ralph de Raines and attested by Roger Bigod, but it certainly took place much later. The Belvoir charter just mentioned probably begins to the early 1140s . It was attested by William de Albini senior and his wife Cecilia, their son William junior, Roger Bigot, Robert de Toteneio, Ralph de Albeneio and others.[17] Since William, Robert and Ralph were certainly sons of William and Cecilia it is clear that Roger Bigod was also, as is confirmed by the order of their sons William, Robert, Roger, listed in the Thorney Liber vitae (BL Add, 40, 000, fol. 2r)

      [17] Mon. Ang. ii, 289, no. 111. [Ref: PROSOPON 9 Belvoir: The Heirs of Robert and Berengar de Tosny by K.S.B. Keats-Rohan]


  • Sources 
    1. [S1634] Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great, I:233, XIV:37 (Reliability: 3).

    2. [S1651] Some Corrections and Additions to the Complete Pee, Volume IX, Bigod (Reliability: 3).