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Philip Daniel Nagel

Philip Daniel Nagel[1]

Male 1739 - 1804  (65 years)

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  • Name Philip Daniel Nagel 
    Birth 10 Mar 1739  Wachenheim, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Death 5 Nov 1804  Union Mills, Fredrick Co., Maryland, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I75062  Cecilie Family
    Last Modified 2 Mar 2009 

    Father Johann Jacob Nagel,   b. 1695, Wachenheim, Germany Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1746, Wachenheim, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 51 years) 
    Mother Anna Maria Bankert,   b. 1600, Wachenheim, Germany Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Union Mills, Fredrick Co., Maryland, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage 28 Nov 1719  Wachenheim, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F33748  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Maria Margaret Bankert,   b. 15 Jun 1745, Digges Choice, Hanover, PA, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt 1820, Union Mills, Fredrick Co., Maryland, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1761  Union Mills, Fredrick Co., Maryland, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Mary Nail,   b. 28 Feb 1778, Union Mills, Fredrick Co., Maryland, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Nov 1815, Frederick Co., Maryland, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 37 years)
    Family ID F33747  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 2 Mar 2009 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - Abt 1761 - Union Mills, Fredrick Co., Maryland, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 5 Nov 1804 - Union Mills, Fredrick Co., Maryland, USA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • The book "Pennsylvania Oaths of Allegiance" by Willam Henry Egle(Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., 1967) shows Phillip Nagel amongthe "List of Foreigners Imported in the Ship Duke of Wirtenberg. Capt.Montpelier. From Rotterdam (The Netherlands). Qualified Oct. 16, 1751."From evidence found in the Maryland State Archives of a later date (about1795) Philip Daniel Nagel was about 12 years old when enteringPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania on October 16, 1751.
      Wachenheim is in the wine country of Germany and is located west of thetown of Worms. Worms is just north and slightly west of Mannheim andHeidelberg, and south and west of Frankfurt.
      Philip Daniel, his mother, and two sisters probably came to Union Mills,MD because Philips uncle (Johan Jacob Bankert, 18 years younger thanPhilip's mother) was here. His mother received a land grant (BC & GS5-149, Frederick Co., Md. January 29, 1756) for a 25 acre tract she named"Plilip's Delight". The land grant was issued to Anna Maria Neolin(Naglin being the feminine spelling of Nagel).
      On May 26, 1760 Philip and Maria Margareta Benckertin, "Joh. Jac.Benckert's legitimate still single daughter", were the sponsors for thebaptism of Maria Margareta Schett, daughter of Wilhelm and Anna Schett.The baptism took place at Zion Church "The German Church", in Manchester,Baltimore County (now Carroll), Maryland. This church is about 10 or 12miles East and South of Union Mills.
      On November 18, 1761 Philip Daniel Nail purchased 25 acres of land("Phillips Delight") on Bondleys/Bentleys Branch, a drought of Great PipeCreek, Frederick County, Maryland, for 5 pounds from Anna Maria Naile aspinster. He is listed as a weaver in the document. (Liber G, Folio 281- Microfilm CR37,504)
      The 1790 census shows 2 males (including head of families) 16 and older,3 males under 16, and 4 females.
      The 1800 census shows Philip as Daniel, Sr. with 1 male under 10, 1 male16 to 26, 1 male 45 and over (he would have been about 61), 2 females 10to 16, 1 female 16 to 26 and 1 female 45 and over.
      The only specific record that could be found concerning Phillip's andMargaret's ages is in the Chancery Court Records, B-30, pp 469-485, atAnnapolis, Maryland, where Philip's age on November 28, 1795 is mentionedas being about 56. Therefore, he was probably born about 1739 inGermany. Philip died shortly before November 5, 1804, at his home atUnion Mills. Margaret continued to live on the original homestead withher son Daniel until she died about 1820.
      Documentation of the nine children can be found in Philip's will, LiberH.S. 2, Folio 239.
      In the Taneytown & Piney Creek 100, District 6 part of Carolina, 1798 taxassessment, Philip is shown as having 255 acres and a log house. Asearch of deeds shows that on March 12, 1799 Philip purchased land which,with his other holdings, gave him a total of just over 274 acres ofland. In Philip's will he mentions one horse, five cows, his house, asaw mill and land. He also states that he satisfied four sons in landprior to making his will. On March 19, 1803 Philip sold Frederick 54.25acres, Jacob 10.75 acres, and Daniel 64 acres. On September 10, 1803Philip sold Christopher the 25 acres that were the original homestead"Philip's Delight".
      A summary of Philips will follows:
      "Whereas I have fully Satisfied my four Sons, Jacob, Daniel, Frederick &Christophel in Land & have taken Bonds for what their Land is worth morethan their shares I therefore hereby Declare that it is my will thatneither of them Shall have any further share of my Estate either Real orPersonal. And that they are to pay their Several Bonds unto myExecutors."
      First, Wife Margaret got Bed Bedstead & Bedding, Chest & Cloathing and aCow of her choosing.
      To Henry a Four year old mare with Saddle & Bridle & one Sett of Gearshis Bedstead and bedding.
      To Daughter Cathrine her Bed Bedstead & bedding Chest & two Cows
      To Daughter Mary her Bed Bedstead & bedding Chest & two Cows and TenPounds in Money
      Daughters Lovice & Eve have been satisfied equal to that given toCathrine & Mary & one to have Nothing except their Distributive Sharehereafter mentioned
      All the Flax & Wool together with the thread and Yarn is to be equallyDivided between My Wife my son Henry & my Daughter Catherine & Mary.After debts are paid, remainder to be equally Divided between Wife, sonHenry, and two Daughters Cathrine & Mary.
      And whereas there are about Fifty Dollars left for the Support ofCatherines two Children Casper & Hannah /unexpended for their Support/Executors to put out that much on Interest and pay the Same with theInterest received to the said two Children when of Age That is to CasperTwenty five Dols. & the Interest when he shall be Twenty one -- AndTwenty five Dols. and the Interest to Hannah when she shall be Sixteenand if one Should Die before of Age then the whole Fifty Dolls. & Int. togo to the Survivor and if both Should die then the Fifty Dols. & Int. tobe Equally Divided between all my living Children & Wife.
      Son Henry is to Have the plantation, Saw Mill, Stove in the House and allplank on the place, he paying Yearly to Executors Twenty five pounds forfourteen Years to commence one year after my Decease & to Support hisMother to her Satisfaction during her Natural life in such a manner asthey can Agree together or if they cannot Agree to pay her yearly TwentyDollars during life --
      Residue of Estate is to be sold by Executors & the Money Divided asfollows one third to Wife & the remainder Equally Divided between FourDaughters Cathrine, Lovice Mary & Eve
      the twenty five Pounds to be paid by Henry Together with the bonds due byOther sons & all monies becomming due Yearly to be collected by Executors& paid yearly One third to my Wife & the residue Equally Divided betweenmy four Daughters Cathrine Lovice Mary & Eve, if Wife or either of myunmarried Children Should die before they receive their Share, theirunpaid Share to be Equally Divided Between wife and living Children --
      And out of the Money to be paid to Catherine Executors retain FiftyDollars to be put out on Interest & paid to her two Children Casper &Hannah when of age in the Same manner as the fifty Dolls. aforsaid --
      And out of the Money to be paid to Daughters Lovice & Eve Executors areto retain one half & put it out on Interest & pay it with the Interest toeach of their oldest Children when of Age & if they Should Die /that istheir oldest Child/ then to pay it the Mother as first above provided --
      Peter Erb & Jacob Banker Executors; Frederick Slyder, Philip Slyder, andAndrew Shriver Witnesses
      Sixteenth day of December Eighteen Hundred and three --
      son Henry and son in law John Stone each entitled to one third of thewinter Grain growing in the fields next to Hoffackers and to Slyders andthe Buckwheat field containing together about Thirteen Acres in the saidthree fields
      Henry is entitled to one half of the Winter Grain growing in the Smallfield of about four Acres towards Sholls
      there being therefore only one third of Three fields and one half of thefourth remain, It is therefore my will That any part thereof Togetherwith all the Grain Flour and Meal on hand when I die Shall belong to myWife, my son Henry and my Daughters -- Catharine and Mary for their JointSupport so long as they Shall live together as one Family,
      The Executor or appraisers are not to have anything to say to the GrainFlour or Meal any thing in the above will contained contrary thereto notwith standing.
      tenth Day of January Eighteen Hundred And four____.
      Witnessed by Magdelena Banker, George Erhart, John Sholl, Andrew Shriver
      Peter Erb renounced his Executorship
      On November 5, 1804, Philip Slyder recorded the will and George Erhartand John Sholl recorded the codicil for probate. Philip probably diedshortly before the will was filed.
      First Account Feb. 12, 1806 by Jacob Nail. Liber RB 1, Folio 6 - Film CR44, 864
      Second Account Feb 6, 1807 by Jacob Nail. Liber RB 1, Folio 160 - FilmCR 44, 864
      Final Account Feb. 10, 1817 by Jacob Nail. Liber HS 2, Folio 239 - FilmCR 44, 865

  • Sources 
    1. [S1707] Nail, Luther Lee, Nail (2002), (, 2002.).