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Isaac Larpent, de Tripian

Isaac Larpent, de Tripian

Male 1711 - 1788  (77 years)

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  • Name Isaac Larpent 
    Suffix de Tripian 
    Birth 29 May 1711  Bergen, Hordaland, Norway. Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Death 6 Jul 1788  Hordaland, Norway Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I77671  Cecilie Family
    Last Modified 3 Apr 2016 

    Father Pierre Larpent, de Tripian,   b. 1656, France Find all individuals with events at this locationd. >1730, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway. Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years) 
    Mother Catharine Quillet,   b. 1674, France Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 15 Mar 1752, Norway Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 78 years) 
    Marriage 8 Jul 1700  Den Franske Reformerte Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F82963  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Cornelie Jean von Hermert,   b. 29 Aug 1731, Denmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Jul 1769, Norway Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 37 years) 
    Marriage 12 Jan 1759  Den Franske Reformerte Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark Find all individuals with events at this location 
    +1. Jean Isaac Larpent, de Tripian,   b. 20 Nov 1761, Copenhagen, Denmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Dec 1845, Copenhagen, Denmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 84 years)
     2. Pierre Antoine Larpent, de Tripian,   b. 27 Feb 1760, Copenhagen, Denmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 27 Mar 1786, Copenhagen, Denmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 26 years)
    Family ID F35110  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 7 Feb 2012 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 29 May 1711 - Bergen, Hordaland, Norway. Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 12 Jan 1759 - Den Franske Reformerte Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 6 Jul 1788 - Hordaland, Norway Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Photos

    Born in Bergen!
    Born in Bergen!

  • Notes 
      Probably the same person that was a watchmaker in Copenhagen. An auction in Copenhaguen says he was born and died the same year.

      Mod slutningen af det 18. århundrede har den danske spilleursindustri haft vanskeligt ved at hævde sig, konkurrencen udefra blev efterhånden stærkere og stærkere, De spilleure, som fremstilledes på Danmarks første større urfabrik, en fabrik der i 1781 oprettedes af den franske urmager Isaac Larpent i fællesskab med Jørgen Jørgensen – eller Jürgensen, som han senere kaldte sig, må betragtes som et sidste forsøg på at tilbageerobre det danske marked(22) ; allerede på den tid var udenlandske spilleure, mest Wienerure, hyppigt i handelen herhjemme.

      ISAAC LARPENT was born 29 may 1711 -died 6 july 1788.
      He was the son of a french wig-maker (Pierre Larpent).
      Isaac`s parents moved to Bergen (Norway) in 1711 (because of the plague),were Isaac was born. When his father died in 1720 , mother and son moved to Copenhagen. At age 12 he started his training as a watchmaker with Isaac Beaupoil. His training lasted 8 years , and he bacame a master in 1745. He had two sons (Pierre Antoine b.1760 and Isaac b 1761).
      Isaac Larpent and Jorgen jurgensen founded the company Larpent & Jurgensen in 1773.
      Larpent produced watches before he joined with Jurgensen. I would guess ca 150 time-pieces. There is a picture of s Isaac Larpent pocket watch no 104(1755) in the new Jurgensen book by John Knudsen(were i got this information). A english version of this book is on the way.

      Larpent, Isaac
      (siehe auch: Larpent)

      Isaac Larpent
      Norwegischer Uhrmacher
      Isaac Larpent wurde am 29. Mai 1711 in Bergen (Norwegen) geboren. Er war der Sohn von Pierre Larpent, einem Perückenmacher aus Frankreich. Die Eltern siedelten 1711 nach Bergen in Norwegen um, sie entflohen damit der Pest. Isaac's Vater verstarb bereits in 1720, Mutter und Kind siedelten nach Kopenhagen um. Mit 12 Jahren fing er seine uhrmacherische Ausbildung bei dem Uhrmacher Isaac Beaupoil an, nach 8 Jahren war seine Ausbildung vollendet. Er wurde Meister Uhrmacher im Jahre 1745.
      Er gründete eine Uhrenfabrik in Röskilde bei Kopenhagen mit gemeinsam mit Jürgen Jürgensen in 1773, Larpent & Jürgensen genannt. Vorher fertigte er bereits etwa 150 Uhren. Nach Larpent’s Tod setzte Jürgensens die Produktion von Uhren fort.
      Isaac Larpent hatte zwei Söhne, Pierre Antoine Larpent geboren im Jahre 1760 und Isaac Larpent Jr. geboren im Jahre 1761.
      Isaac Larpent verstarb am 6. Juli 1788.

      Urban Jürgensen & Sønner, Urmagerfamilien Jürgensen i fire generationer og deres efterfølgere; Autor: John M. R. Knudsen; 2001; ISBN 87-989885-0-6, (Danish)
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    • The last named, Isaac Larpent, born at Bergen, May 29, 1711, was a watch and clock maker in Copenhagen, and was elected in February 1755 an Elder of the French Protestant Church at Copenhagen. He died in Copenhagen July 6, 1788, having married Cornelie Jean (daughter of Antoine Jean, Doctor of Medicine, by his wife Susanne Maculoch), who was born August 29, 1731, and died in Copenhagen, July 26, 1769. Their issue and descendants were as below recorded :
      1. Pierre Anthoine Larpent. Born at Copenhagen February 27, 1760. Died unmarried at Copenhagen March 27, 1786.— ' Vita fatris.
      2. Jean Isaac Larpent, merchant and ‘ reviseur ’ at Copenhagen. Elected Elder of the French Protestant Church, April 18, 1799, and became ‘ Doyen du Consistoire de l’Eglise Franchise Reformee.’ Born at Copenhagen, November 20, 1761. Died at Copenhagen, December 23, 1845. Buried at the French Cemetery, Copenhagen. Married, May 29, 1797, Suzanne Sophie Schneider, daughter of Abraham Schneider, Councillor of State, by his wife Elizabeth von Hemert. She was born February 26, 1777, and died at Copenhagen April 29, 1815, buried at the French Cemetery, Copenhagen.