Vik Haakull Family history
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Ihle, Vats, Rogaland, Norway


Latitude: 59.1489544, Longitude: 6.0143431


Matches 1 to 12 of 12

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Amundsdatter, N.N.  1564I88353
2 Amundson, Anbj  Abt 1502I89191
3 Amundson, Knut  Abt 1562I88354
4 Amundson, Rasmus  Abt 1560I88355
5 Amundsson, Trugils  Abt 1500I88358
6 Anbj, Amund Ile  Abt 1530I77636
7 Anbj, Anbj  Abt 1601I89209
8 Anbj, Gunnar  Abt 1603I89208
9 Anbj, N.N.  Abt 1534I88357
10 Anbj, Torgils  Abt 1536I88356
11 Arnbjornson, Torres  Abt 1599I48231
12 Ihle, Amund  Abt 1482I88359


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Amundson, Anbj  Abt 1580I89191