Vik Haakull Family history
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Rattlesden, Suffolk, Eng



Matches 1 to 13 of 13

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Kimball, Abigail  Nov 1617I42249
2 Kimball, Elizabeth  Abt 1621I42763
3 Kimball, Henry VI  12 Aug 1615I41901
4 Kimball, John  Abt 1631I43009
5 Kimball, Martha  Abt 1629I43134
6 Kimball, Mary  Apr 1618-1625I42313
7 Kimball, Richard I  Abt 1595I40672
8 Kimball, Richard Jr.  Abt 1623I42764
9 Kimball, Thomas  Abt 1633I43007
10 Kimball, Ursula  Abt 1619I42732
11 Scott, Henry  1 Nov 1560I41037
12 Scott, Ursula  15 Feb 1597I40708
13 Whatlock, Martha  18 Jul 1568I41048


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
1 Kimball, Mary  7 Apr 1618I42313