Vik Haakull Family history
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Urang, Bremnes, Hordaland, Norway


Latitude: 59.8055019, Longitude: 5.1719436


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Guttormsdatter, Alis  1706I89538
2 Guttormsdatter, Barbru  Abt 1643I89481
3 Guttormsson, Jon  Abt 1639I89482
4 Guttormsson, Knut  1641I89505
5 Guttormsson, Knut  1705I89519
6 Jonsson, Guttorm  1615I89484
7 Knutsdatter, Siri  1673I89502
8 Knutsson, Guttorm  1679I89521
9 Knutsson, Peder  Abt 1671I89503


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Guttormsson, Knut  1695I89505
2 Jonsdatter, Barbru  1696I89504
3 Jonsson, Guttorm  I89484
4 Jonsson, Mrs. Guttorm Widow Of Knut Omundsson  I89483


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Jonsson / Jonsson  Abt 1637F45552
2 Knutsson / Mikkjelsdatter  Abt 1703F45559