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email from Carl Gearhart

Source Information

  • Title email from Carl Gearhart 
    Short Title email from Carl Gearhart 
    Author Carl Gearhart 
    Publisher Dec 2006 
    Source ID S1167 
    Text You have Feathergil Adam wife's parents wrong.

    Nancy's parents are William Smith(born August 21, 1729, place unknown and died February 2, 1821 in Lincoln County Kentucky)(from FHL 2218295, case file #2099) he was married to Peggy unknown. The above court case file #2099 shows his Will to have been destroyed by his wife.

    But a division record exist listing his heirs as Nancy Ball, Reuben Smith and the heirs of Feathergil Adams. (Reference: Family History Center - tape FHL 192229 (Probate records Vol. F-G 1815 - 1822) page 181.)

    Weedon Smith is the son of Reuben Smith and Judith unknown.

    I hope this is helpful and thank you for publishing your material.

    Carl Gearhart 
    Linked to
    Individuals: 4
    Nancy Elizabeth Smith
    Reuben Smith
    Weedon Smith
    William Smith